John Hart
- 20 years as Director of Quality Lifestyle Support.
- Held several positions including Regional Manager and Coordinator in large NGO’s.
- Consultant to a number of organisations in Queensland and New South Wales.
- Specialised expertise in Reports & Assessments.
- Experienced Consultant within the judicial system including in the preparation of Medico legal reports.
John has been associated with the disability service sector all of his life having a sibling with a disability. he has also been involved with service review processes, forming the basis for systemic change to improve the quality of support to individuals. John routinely trains and speaks on a variety of sector related topics given his 30 year experience working within the sector.

Robyn Cavanagh
- 20 years experience in working within the sector with numerous organisations.
- 13 years as Managing Director of Quality Lifestyle Support.
- Experience and training in the roles of support work, program work, coordination and program management.
- Experienced advocate for children & individuals with the impact of a disability in their lives.
- Diploma in Disability Services
- Accredited in PASSAD assessment.
- Winner of numerous awards within the sector.
Advisors to the Board

George Fox
(B. Com, LLB (Hons), Adjunct Professor of Law)
Professor Fox is a practicing lawyer with significant experience in governance roles in NGOs, State and Commonwealth statutory bodies, and commercial enterprises.This experience includes Board member of Lifeline Australia Inc. and Rhealth, Chair of the Queensland Tax Agents Board, Member of the Australian Tax Practitioners Board, Council Member of the University of Southern Queensland, President of the Queensland Law Society, Commissioner of the Crime and Misconduct Commission, and Chair of Elynx Pty Ltd.
He has also been a Law Reform commissioner for Fiji, and a World Bank consultant in PNG and the Solomon Islands.

Michael Kendrick
Michael J. Kendrick PhD. is know for his extensive work for more than forty years as an independent international consultant in human services and community work.
His work as an advocate, activist, teacher, evaluator, consultant, writer and advisor has involved him in many of the key leadership issues of the day.
He has worked with governments, service organizations, advocacy groups, professional bodies, service provides and small community groups in many countries including the United States,Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Belgium, as well as Nicaragua, Honduras, Ethiopia, Arab Emirates, South Korea, Mexico, and Guatemala. He has an interest in ethical leadership, social integration, innovation,advocacy, social ethics, alternatives to bureaucracy, personalized support, and reforms in human services. Michael Kendrick’s writings on these wide-ranging subjects are known for their incisiveness and capacity to illuminate. His work throughout various parts of the world has assisted organisations and groups to implement, in practical ways, the universal principles that underpin his analysis and writings. He is a Canadian and grew up in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and France and currently lives in Massachusetts.