About Us
Learning from Our Experience
On a sunny day late 1998 on the back steps of a large Toowoomba service’s office, a conversation occurred between two service providers in relation to a lack of support to an individual living within supported accommodation in Toowoomba.
The conversation centred on why this individual was unable to receive support due to the fact that they fell outside of predetermined criteria. Their disability did not match the entry criteria to receive support from one service, even though their needs were identical to many others already in receipt of support.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a service that just supported people rather than their disability?”
From this simple conversation, Quality Lifestyle Support (QLS) as a concept was born. Within a year, QLS as an organisation was operational.
QLS started, like most businesses, small. We had 6 clients and 6 staff in total in the Greater Toowoomba region. Over the years, we have grown strongly and now provide services in the Darling Downs region, the Granite Belt region, the Greater Brisbane Region, the Greater Sunshine Coast region, the Greater Gympie Region and Cairns in Far North Queensland, with plans to expand into other Queensland and Upper New South Wales Regions.
Quality Lifestyle Support prides itself on working with each individual as a person and this still remains the focus as strongly now, as it did back when we started. We have found that this philosophy has resulted in many of our clients and stakeholders seeing QLS as part of their extended family.