Where Caring is a way of Life
National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can appear to be quite challenging as it is a major reform of the way disability funding is conducted throughout Australia.
Here at Quality Lifestyle Support, we understand that this may become a source of frustration for those seeking supports and their families. As such, we have provided some information to assist in alleviating this frustration so you have a greater understanding of what is all about.
You can also contact one of our friendly staff who can assist you in understanding the NDIS and how it relates directly to you.
what is the
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a transformation in the way services are delivered to people with the impact of a disability. It allows people, be it yourself or nominated people such as family members or delegates to make decisions on what services you need and want, based on goals and ambitions and assistance required. You determine who delivers the services, you determine what you want them to deliver and you when they are delivered. Throughout Australia, funding goes directly to each individual rather than directly to service providers. There are different mechanisms for payments to service providers and assistance can also be arranged. It takes a fragmented approach to receiving support and streamlines it to your advantage.
Essentially you are in control of your own life and supports.
Additional Information is available at:
what is the difference between the
The NDIS is the system itself, it is nationwide, however it is being rolled out over several years to ensure that it runs smoothly.
The NDIA, National Disability Insurance Agency, is the agency that runs the scheme, nationwide. The work closely with each state government to ensure that all areas are united in delivery whilst taking into account specific factors for each state. The NDIA will be the sole responsible agency for the NDIS once the rollout has been completed nationwide in 2019. The NDIA is a contact to discuss your needs and to clarify any questions that you may have.
Of course, QLS is happy to assist with any questions and will be able to explain, in simple terms, what is best way to successfully transition to the NDIS.
Contact Details
Website: www.ndis.gov.au Phone: 1800 800 110
Quality Lifestyle Support
Phone: 07 4659 5476
Department of Communities
Website: www.communities.qld.gov.au Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
NDIS Legislation
Given that the NDIS is transition for State to National jurisdiction, there is new legislation that applies. This legislation is: The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act, 2013
who is eligible
There are certain requirements that MUST be met to become eligible for the NDIS. These include:
- Disability Requirements
- Age Requirements
- Residency Requirements
- Qualifying Residency Requirements
- Early Intervention Requirements
The eligibility Checklist is available at:
Caring is our way of Life
Disability Requirements
You may meet the disability requirements if:
- You have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (i.e. it is likely to be lifelong) and
- Your impairment substantially reduces your ability to participate effectively in activities, or perform tasks or actions unless you have:
- Assistance from other people or
- You have assistive technology or equipment (other than common items such as glasses) or
- You can’t participate effectively even with assistance or aides and equipment and
- Your impairment affects your capacity for social and economic participation and
- You are likely to require support under the NDIS for your lifetime.
- An impairment that varies in intensity e.g. because the impairment is of a chronic episodic nature may still be permanent, and you may require support under the NDIS for your lifetime, despite the variation.
Intervention Requirements
You may meet the early intervention requirements:
- If you have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent and
- There is evidence that getting supports now (early interventions) will help you by:
- Reducing how much help you will need to do things because of your impairment in the future and
- Improving or reducing deterioration of your functional capacity or
- Helping your family and carers to keep helping you and
- Those supports are most appropriately funded through the NDIS, and not through another service system.
- You are a child aged under 6 years of age with developmental delay which results in:
- Substantially reduced functional capacity in one or more of the areas of self-care, receptive and expressive language, cognitive development or motor development and
- Results in the need for a combination and sequence of special interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment or other services which are of extended duration, and are individually planned and coordinated; and
- Those supports are most appropriately funded through the NDIS, and not through another service system.
So you are eligible, now what?
It is time to start planning, and to do so, there are some great resources available to help you get ready:
It is important that you also understand what funding can, and cannot be used for
The Commonwealth and the Queensland governments will continue to provide disability supports to existing clients until their NDIS plan is approved.
For more information:
Website: www.ndis.gov.au Phone: 1800 800 110
How can funds be managed?
There are five ways that plans can be managed:
- Agency Managed – this is where the providers claim directly from the NDIA.
- Plan Manager – funding in your plan is allocated for a third party to manage the financial transactions in your plan.
- Self-Managed – you (or your nominee) directly manage the funds; all transactions are completed by the participant for services rendered.
- Automated Payments (transport only) – these funds can be deposited into an NDIS bank account weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
- Combination – a combination of the above four options can be used together to meet your individual needs.
For more information:

What is a service provider?
A service provider is the service that provides the services you want as per your plan. They do not write your plan, however they will have the knowledge to put you in contact with the people or agencies that do. You can have one service provider or you can have several, it depends on what they offer in relation to your needs.
When you have agreed to use a service provider for some or all of your supports, you will require a service agreement.
Given the size and complexity of the launch of the NDIS, it is rolling out across Queensland at different times. Below are the expected rollout dates and locations, via local government area:
Information is available at
Rollout Timeline
1 July 2018
Brisbane City | Cherbourg | Fraser Coast | Gold Coast City | North Burnett | South Burnett
1 January 2019
Caboolture | Gympie | Moreton Bay | Noosa | Strathpine | Sunshine Coast
1 July 2018
Aurukun | Cairns | Cassowary Coast | Cook | Croydon | Douglas | Etheridge | Hope Vale | Kowanyama | Lockhart River | Mapoon | Mareeba | Napranum | Northern Peninsula Area | Pormpuraaw | Tablelands | Torres | Torres Strait Island | Weipa | Wujal Wujal | Yarrabah
1 July 2018
Logan City | Redland City
1 January 2018
Banana Shire | Barcaldine | Barcoo | Blackall | Tambo | Central Highlands | Diamantina | Gladstone | Livingstone | Longreach | Rockhampton | Winton | Woorabinda
1 October 2017
1 July 2017
Ipswich City | Lockyer Valley | Scenic Rim | Somerset
1 January 2017
Balonne | Bulloo | Goondiwindi | Maranoa | Murweh | Paroo | Quilpie | Southern Downs | Toowoomba | Western Downs
1 November 2016
Isaac | Mackay | Whitsunday
1 October 2016
All remaining eligible people in
Townsville | Charters Towers | Palm Island | Boulia | Burdekin | Burke | Carpentaria | Cloncurry | Doomadgee | Flinders | Hinchinbrook | McKinlay | Mornington | Mount Isa | Richmond
1 July 2016
All remaining children and young people (0-17 years)
Townsville | Charters Towers
1 January 2016
(Early Transition for children and young people 0-17 years of age)
Townsville | Charters Towers
And all eligible people from Palm Island.